Friday, November 12, 2010

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

A dreadful nights sleep. One of the things I have found is that I rarely get more than four hours sleep in one go. So last night, night after going to bed at around midnight I was awake again by 4.00am. Nothing unusual these days. I just read my book. Buried by Mark Billingham which I have now finished. At some point I managed to doze of back to sleep and that's what I did until about 9.30 am. Just dozing here and there.

The trouble is when I realised what time it was, I phoned my GP and all the appointments for today have gone. I'll have to try on Monday now. At least I'll be awake as I am going back to work. I am popping into the office today for to sort out a phased return.


  1. have you considered trying tea? i know don't laugh there is a specific herbal tea called night time tea which has reported good results in aiding people to sleep without the need for drugs such as nitol give it a try (what have you got to lose) x

  2. I actually drink quite a lot of herbal tea already so not it's not a silly idea in the slightest! I think there are currently three types in the cupboard...

  3. I use Kalms night time when my insomnia is very bad. And CSI!
